Terms & Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions constitute an Agreement (herinafter called "Agreement") between BrandFeatured.com (the "Company") and the visitor of BrandFeatured.com (the "User"). Please also read our Privacy Policy.

1. Terms: By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these web site Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this web site are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law.

2. You acknowledge and understand that BrandFeatured.com services are non-refundable under any circumstances unless we are unable to publish User’s submitted press release. User may email contact@BrandFeatured.com for any questions about payments and cancellations.

3. User understands and acknowledges and agrees that BrandFeatured.com does not and will not accept releases for pornographic materials, illegal activity, electronic cigarettes, online pharmaceuticals (See list of banned pharmaceuticals and supplements), press that promotes hatred, violence, prejudice, terrorism or anything we deem that the majority of the public would feel is unethical. The Company does not accept any press releases about Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin/ICOs/crpto-wallets/crypto-trading platforms/etc, crypto-investing or loans or miners. The Company does not accept press releases about legal matters or proceedings. Negative press releases about any 3rd party person/company/government/country/religion/race will not be accepted. We do not permit press releases where the subject is 3rd party companies/organizations/government/people without their permission. We do not accept material news about publicly traded companies. Releases must be in written in the first person (not third person) in English and in the proper press release format. In general, here is a list of unacceptable press releases subjects and terms:

- No negative news about any 3rd party person, company, government, country, religion, or race.

- No articles about 3rd party companies without their permission.

- No material news about publicly traded companies.

- No Guns / Weapons

- No Alcohol

- No Illicit Drugs (including Federally Illegal Marijuana. Legal Medical Cannabis ok)

- No Tobacco / Vaping

- No Cosmetic procedures and body modification (i.e. Plastic Surgery)

- No Dating apps or websites

- No Adult and Sex (even the word ‘sex’ in any press release)

- No Sexual reproductive health

- No ICOs/Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency

- No Forex

- No NON-FDA approved medicines / supplements and Google banned supplements

- No Unsubstantiated medical claims

- No Money making scams / MLM

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- No Online gambling

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5. BrandFeatured.com makes every attempt to disseminate in full, promptly and accurately all news and information received by USER. Any inadvertent errors by BrandFeatured.com will be corrected promptly upon notification or discovery, with no additional charge. This obligation to correct the error shall constitute the sole liability of BrandFeatured.com.

6. This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by BrandFeatured.com at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.

7. USER is responsible for the content and accuracy of all copy and other information submitted by USER. Due to the volume of news, information and copy submitted to BrandFeatured.com the COMPANY cannot and will not be responsible for verifying any facts contained therein. USER represents and warrants to the "Company" that (i) it has the right to deliver to BrandFeatured.com all information, images, and copy submitted to it, (ii) it will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and laws relating to "spam", and (iii) no information or copy submitted by USER or on USERS behalf will contain any content that is libelous, slanderous, obscene or otherwise defamatory, false or misleading or which violates any copyright, right of privacy or publicity or other right of any person. USER shall indemnify and hold harmless BrandFeatured.com and owners, third party vendors, including distributors, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or relating to any breach by Member of the foregoing representations and warranties or otherwise arising out of or relating to the contents or nature of copy and other information provided by USER or anyone acting on USER behalf.

7a. USER represents and warrants to BrandFeatured.com the "Company" that USER has the right and permission to use all images, illustrations, videos, text copy, trademarks, service marks, icons, vectors, and any other form of content in their press release. USER assumes all responsibility for any trademark violation or copyright violation that may have occurred from content in their press release on BrandFeatured.com and any of the syndicated websites in Company's partner network.

8. BrandFeatured.com has the right to deny or edit copy or other information as it sees necessary. BrandFeatured.com at its sole discretion, has the right to delete any press release from its web site, pull any press release from dissemination or deny approval to any press release.

9. BrandFeatured.com does not promote any offers to buy or sell any securities.

10. BrandFeatured.com does not warrant or guarantee that the services provided by BrandFeatured.com will be error free, including delays, interruption in service, omissions, losses or defects, whether human or mechanical. BrandFeatured.com makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to its services, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability or suitability for print or broadcast. The liability of BrandFeatured.com to USER shall be limited to the refund of the fees paid by USER if we fail to provide the services we provide and in no event will BrandFeatured.com or affiliates be liable for any indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or incidental damages.

11. BrandFeatured.com does not warrant or guarantee specific placement of any news release nor pick up on any news release on its wire or service, but will make available a news release to the appropriate media point on or through our web site and services through our web site where a reporter or editor may best be able to decide on usage.

12. You consent to receive communications from BrandFeatured.com concerning your use of the Products and Services ("Communications"). These communications may include those required, by law to send to you concerning Products and Services or ("Required Communications"). The Communications may also be those that BrandFeatured.com sends to you for other reasons. You consent to receive Communications electronically. BrandFeatured.com may provide these Communications to you by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address you provided in connection with your account or by posting the Communication on the BrandFeatured.com network. You also give consent to receive Communications by other methods including telephone and postal mail. The phone number and address we will use for contact will be that which was provided by you when setting up your account. Concerning your use of the Products and Services ("Communications"): These communications may include those required, by law to send to you concerning Products and Services or ("Required Communications"). The Communications may also be those that BrandFeatured.com sends to you for other reasons. You consent to receive Communications electronically. BrandFeatured.com may provide these Communications to you by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address you provided in connection with your account or by posting the Communication on the BrandFeatured.com network. You also give consent to receive Communications by other methods including telephone and postal mail. The phone number and address we will use for contact will be that which was provided by you when setting up your account. You may change the e-mail or postal address to which BrandFeatured.com sends Communications by notifying us via email at contact@brandfeatured.com

13. User acknowledges that after distribution of their press release, user will not be able to retract, change, delete or alter information in their press release that has been distributed to any of the BrandFeatured.com web site partners or network including RSS feed and javascript partners that pull feeds from the BrandFeatured.com web site. If information is required to be changed on a press release, BrandFeatured.com will make efforts to change the information on the release that is stored in the database on the BrandFeatured.com website with no guarantees that this change will take effect of any of its partner sites. User also acknowledges that in the event a press release is distributed with information that was required to be changed after the release date, they will not hold BrandFeatured.com, or any of their distribution partners liable in the event a press release is distributed.

14. User agrees that they have full written permission from any companies mentioned in their press release other than their own. User also agrees they have full written permission from any third party name mentioned in their press release other than their own.

15. Nothing within any of the Products and Services shall be construed conferring any license under BrandFeatured.com or any third party intellectual property rights, whether by implication, waiver, estoppels or otherwise. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, USER acknowledges and agrees that certain content available through and used to operate the BrandFeatured.com website and Products and Services is protected by copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary rights of the "Company", its affiliates, licensors and service providers. Unless expressly provided to the contrary, you are in agreement that you may not modify, deface, alter any of the trademarks, service marks or other intellectual property made available by BrandFeatured.com, in connection with the Products and Services. You also agree not to display yourself or web site as being in any way affiliated with, endorsed by or sponsored by BrandFeatured.com. You agree not to use any of the service marks, trademarks logos or other Content accessible through the BrandFeatured.com, network for any purpose other than the purpose for which such Content is made available to users by BrandFeatured.com. You are in agreement not to defame or disparage BrandFeatured.com or its website, BrandFeatured.com, trademarks or service marks of the "Company" of any part of the Products and Services. Information, services, methods and processes made available to the USER are the intellectual property of BrandFeatured.com. You agree to use this service for its intended purpose and not for the sole purposes including, but not limited to, the reverse engineering of the site and / or its processes and the inclusion of such processes or services in a derivative service.

16. BrandFeatured.com does not and will not guarantee search results within any search engine. Although BrandFeatured.com does what it can to assist with your rankings, we do not guarantee search results.

17. In the event that users press release is not accepted, BrandFeatured.com will not be held liable for any possible or potential missed business opportunities.

18. You acknowledge and agree that you and BrandFeatured.com are independent contractors under these Terms and Conditions, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship. Neither party pursuant to these Terms and Conditions has authority to enter into agreements of any kind on behalf of the other and neither party shall be considered the agent of the other.

19. Should the Terms and Conditions be violated by you, or if you violate any other rights of BrandFeatured.com network of sites, BrandFeatured.com reserves the right to pursue any and all legal and equitable remedies against you, including, without limitation, terminating any and all user accounts on any and all of the BrandFeatured.com network web sites.

20. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall lie in the State of Wyoming, including the U.S. federal courts therein. Nothing set forth in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed to grant You any right to resell or redistribute access to the Company's services, or any work product or data provided in connection with the services. The rights and remedies set forth in these Terms and Conditions are cumulative and are in addition to and may modify, but are not in substitution for those provided in law and equity. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof, and the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed to be restated to reflect as nearly as possible the original intentions of the parties to the maximum extent enforceable under applicable law.